Hi, my name's Maurice.    -    Welcome to my portfolio website.    -    Did you know CEOs were paid 399 times as much as a typical worker in 2021. In 1965 that was only 20 times.

Who am I? My name is Maurice Corbesier. I’m a semi-self thought designer from Brussels who’s been freelance designing since the year I flunked my Masters degree at LUCA School of Arts in 2018. Since then I’ve met some great people and worked with a bunch of them. But it’s not the work we made that’s important it’s the friends we made along the way.

In 2022 I got the opportunity to rebrand Couleur Café Festival, the biggest music festival in Brussels, for their 2023 edition. And I’m glad to say I’ve been their in-house graphic designer ever since.

I’m always excited to hear from new people, not only those who’d like to work together. Is that you? Here’s my email address: maurice@ouph.studio

*why ouph.studio? This domain is a remnant of a previous attempt to brand myself. After educating myself on certain topics I no longer feel the need to brand myself in this way. However my email adres, that is linked to this website, is used in bunch of accounts and will take a moment to be replaced. Sooner than later my portfolio will find a new home.